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Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Questions to Ask Your Doctor - Acne

Acne can be difficult to manage, but there are many treatment options that can help clear your skin. Be honest about how often you have break outs and what you’re doing to cope with them. What you say today will help shape your treatment plan.

Ask Your Doctor . . .

Newly diagnosed:

What might be causing my acne?

What are my treatment options?

Can you recommend over-the-counter products to help my skin?

Do I need to change my bathing and skincare routines?

How quickly will my skin start to look better?


Living with acne:

If my first treatment doesn’t work, what else can I try?

What should I do if I have side effects?

Are there any lifestyle changes I can make to help prevent acne?

Is there anything I can do to prevent acne scars?

How often should I schedule follow-up appointments?


TIP: Always share with your doctor any updates since your last visit—from new medicines to major life changes, including pregnancy or increased stress. These can impact what happens with your skin. And be honest about how your acne is affecting your life, and whether you’re following your treatment plan. Your doctor can’t help you if she doesn’t know what’s really going on.

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